Hair Transplantation

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Hair Transplantation

Providing high-quality comprehensive, affordable and customized cosmetic treatment to people is the aim of Arya Aesthetics. We provide the service of hair transplantation in Kolkata. Our treatments also include breast augmentation and reduction, laser treatment, reconstructive surgery and other cosmetic surgery procedures. Those who carry out the procedures at Arya Aesthetics are all experienced and trained.

FUE Procedure

When the surgeon takes out individual hair follicles from theĀ 

donor site for transplanting those to the recipient area, it is the FUE procedure. Its full form is Follicular Unit Extraction. He/she uses a special instrument for this purpose. After taking out the follicles, the surgeon will make tiny incisions in the recipient area and insert those follicles into the incisions. There are normally minimal or no scars in this procedure.

FUT Procedure

The best hair transplant surgeons in Kolkata usually cut a single strip of skin from the donor site and close it primarily. Based on the number of follicles needed for covering the bald areas, the surgeon decides the size of the strip. After removing individual hair follicles from the strip, the process of inserting the follicles in the recipient area begins. The treatment is normally painless due to the use of local anaesthesia.

When you consult a specialist at a hair transplant clinic in Kolkata, he/she decides which procedure will be best for you based on different factors. Before and after the surgery, you need to follow the instructions of the doctor without any negligence. It is necessary to take proper care of the area where the hair transplant is done.