Reconstructive Surgery

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Reconstructive Surgery

There are often various skin, soft tissue and skeletal defects in the human body. These arise from congenital deformity, trauma and onco-surgical resection. It is possible to reconstruct these defective areas through various plastic surgical methods.

We aim not only to provide anatomical resection but also to achieve functional and aesthetic goals. Our well-trained team of plastic surgeons at Arya Aesthetics provide the patients with the best possible treatment.

There are different types of reconstructive surgery depending on the area and the type of defect. Some of these types are:

Breast Reconstruction

After a mastectomy, it is possible to reconstruct one or both breasts of a woman. Breast reconstructive surgery helps a woman to lead a happy and healthy life. Many of the best breast surgeon doctors in Kolkata are experts in breast reconstruction.

Facial Surgery

Some types of reconstructive surgeries help to repair facial defects such as cleft lip and palate, nose defects, etc.

Hand and Foot Surgery

Sometimes the hands of a person can get deformed due to different diseases or accidents. The reconstructive surgeries by the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata are effective for correcting these deformities. Such surgeries also help to correct birth abnormalities. The treatment of foot defects such as extra toe or other birth abnormalities is also possible through reconstructive surgeries.

Scar Removal

There are different procedures for removing scars from the skin. These procedures help the patients to get rid of their scars and have flawless skin.

Before any reconstructive surgery, you need to make some preparations as per the instructions of the doctor. It will help you to get the best results from the surgery. You will also need to follow some guidelines after the surgery.